Internships in companies abroad
Our association serves as a sending organization for traineeships in the framework of the European Union program „Erasmus Plus“. We place trainees from different branches within companies abroad on demand. Thereby, the trainee is able to gain first work experience in a foreign country and a foreign culture. Therefore, the participants will be linguistically and culturally prepared by our association.
Their stay can vary between two and 26 weeks by request and our capacities.
During this time the trainees are supervised by our team. There will be periodical meetings with the aim to give and get feedback. A final evaluation before the participants travel back to their home-countries will also take place.
So far, Polish, French and Spanish trainees have been accommodated by our organization. They all felt welcomed and comfortable - no matter if they stayed in hostels or host families.
If you are looking for an internship, please contact us:
Mrs Cécile Lobut speaks French, German, Spanish and English
Mrs Sarah Neis speaks German, French, Polish and English
Tel.: +49 351 2510604
We ensure to present you an interesting and convenient offer. Don't hesitate!