Tri-national Trainings 2019 for hosts and tutors involved in intercultural exchanges

2019 Trainings:


  • German-French-Tunisian Training

from 15. to 20.02.2019 in Kassel (DE)

from 20. to 25.02.2019 in Niederbronn (FR)

from 5. in 11.11.2019 in Mahdia (TU)

  • German-French-Polish Training

from 22. to 27.03.2019 in Görlitz (DE)

from 13. to 18.11.2019 in Gracay (FR)

from 26.02. to 02.03.2020 in Morawa (PL)

Interested in participation?

This basic training is made up of 3 Theory modules and is geared towards young people who have the desire to work as part of our educational events, on a fee basis.

You will boost this qualification by integrating with groups from different cultures in real encounter situations. The training cycle is interconnected with a placement in a bi- or tri-national project. We offer this basic training to young people from Germany, Tunisia or Poland and France who are interested in projects and exchanges as well as intercultural learning.

A certificate will be awarded after successful completion of the course and completion of the placement. This will then offer you the possibility to work for us or other sponsors of outer-school european training. Along with this you can utilize your acquired knowledge, accompany exchanges and projects, build up experience as a language and culture mediator and thereby earn money on a fee basis. Themes which will be dealt with during the training are the following:

•    Introduction to intercultural learning within bi- or tri-national exchanges

•    The role of communication on different levels and nonverbal communication forms

•    Method work in: “getting-to-know-you” situations, language animation, awareness of surroundings, conflict management

•    Becoming familiar with participants' ways of life from Germany, France and Tunisia

•    Role of the prejudices and clichés when dealing with others

•    Teamwork and time management

•    Translation and interpreting such as methods within language use and much more

Program Fee

690,- Euro for all Theory modules - to pay in three instalments.

Discount for students and unemployed: 540,- Euro for all Theory modules - to pay in three instalments.


•    Training within a tri-national team

•    Accommodation with full board

•    Activities and trips

•    Mentors

•    Travel costs: Reimbursed according to the travel cost table of the FGYO


Association Roudel Carcassonne (F)

Ligue de l'enseignement du Cher (F)

Fundacja św.Jadwigi w Morawie (PL)

Association 'Animateurs sans frontières' (TUN)

Funded by:

Deutsch-Französisches Jugendwerk Berlin/Paris

Deutsch-Polnisches Jugendwerk Warschau/Potsdam